April 19, 2013

  • More guesses on H7N9

    The Lancet this Friday publishes an editorial, a correspondence and a World report on the H7N9 outbreak in China. All these articles affirm that the Chinese government has handled this outbreak a lot better than the SARS epidemic ten years ago - an opinion that I concur. While the probability of the virus being transmitted from human to human is (very) low, experts raise concern over its potential spread among many birds across a large geographical space. Quoting Ted Alcorn in his World report,

    Chinese authorities are attempting to identify the bird reservoir that is the source of the disease so they can reduce human exposure to it. But the task is complicated because the virus seems to have low pathogenicity among birds, which means it spreads silently among them without causing noticeable illness or deaths to indicate its presence.
    And the geographical distribution of human cases suggests that the virus may have already spread too far to contain. People have contracted the disease in seemingly independent incidents across a 1000 km stretch of coastal China, from Shanghai to Beijing.

    So, my personal guess is that this H7N9 outbreak may take a while before it dies out.

    Also, as you may know, Case-fatality ratio = (Total number of death due to the infection) / (Total number of people infected)
    Whilst many are concerned with its apparent high case-fatality ratio among infected persons, it is important to highlight the fact that we simply do not know exactly how many people are infected and that some people who are critically ill right now may die in the future.
    Apparently - at least from my own perspective - there are at least two potential hypotheses:
    Hypothesis A is that the number of people infected are small. The number observed and reported by the public health authorities in China is not far from the true. In this case, the case-fatality ratio is certainly a lot higher than seasonal flu.
    Hypothesis B is that there may be many people out there who are infected but are asymptomatic, just like the Beijing kid who was tested H7N9 positive but developed no symptoms at all. If that is the case, then we would have a larger denominator for the Case-fatality ratio, and therefore, a lower case-fatality ratio.
    Which hypothesis is true? I honestly do not know. I know some scientists who believe in A while other scientists believe in B. 
    No matter what, I hope that the public health and agricultural authorities in China and the Chinese physicians, veterinarians, and scientists will work hard to contain the outbreak. Not only those who were unfortunately infected with this virus might die of the infection, the farmers who raise poultry also suffer a heavy financial loss. According to the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (see press release (April 16, 2013)), the Chinese agricultural sector has already lost an estimated total of 16.7 billion Chinese yuan from the announcement of the outbreak (Mar 31) to April 15, due to poultry culling, reduction in sales and dropped price of poultry. 
    Perhaps, in the long run, the Chinese people need to re-think about their way of raising, handling and eating poultry.

April 13, 2013

  • Scientific articles about H7N9

    To the readers who are interested in the influenza H7N9 outbreak in East China, I would like to draw your attention to the following articles published this week:

    Dr. Rongbao Gao and others from the China CDC and other Chinese medical and scientificc institutions have ublished their studies on the outbreak in the New England Journal Medicinehttp://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1304459?query=OF
    Dr. Timothy Uyeki and Dr. Nancy Cox of the US CDC have written a comment upon Gao et al.'s article and highlight the public health implications of the medical and scientific findings in Gao et al.. The comment is also published in NEJMhttp://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1304661?query=OF
    Dr. Kagayama and colleagues from Japan, have published their genetic analysis of the H7N9 virus in Eurosurveillance (an online journal published by the European CDC): http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=20453
    All three articles are Open Access. No subscription required.
    My sincere hope is that the Chinese government has learnt enough lessons from the past and is becoming as transparent as possible regarding this H7N9 outbreak. 
    It is interesting to observe that some observers blame the Chinese public for not believing in their government really disclosing all the information available. (See online comments in NEJM)
    I simply remember the story that I learnt from childhood: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Anyone who has a track record of consisting telling lies cannot gain the confidence of other people. 
    While someone who cries wolf raises false alarm, some people who are in charge of one quarter of the world's population have a track record of denying the existence of certain problems or crises when they really existed. After decades of falsehood, who will believe these ruling elites again?
    To gain the confidence of the people is to be honest and transparent. To blame others for not having trust in the government is simply counter-productive.
    Also interesting is that an editor from a Chinese medical journal left a comment on NEJM website, complaining that the Chinese authors refused to publish their works in their journal and instead publishing them in NEJM: 
    "As an editor,I am glad to see the paper pubilished in NEJM ,the best medical academic journal.Meanwhile,I am miserable.Our journal is the best journal in China.When H7N9 came,We invited the doctors to send their research to us ,but they said NO!We need SCI.Cases happened in China,research supported by China Nation Fund,but because the SCI policy ,and our civil journal backward,now we have to purchase it back." 
    While I fully appreciate the frustration of this Chinese medical journal editor, it is not in their best interest to make such a comment on the NEJM website. It is a matter of how a Chinese university or any scientific institution in China rewards their faculty and staff on publication. If the authorities decide that it is important to have their publications published in a journal that is indexed by the Science Citation Index (published by a commercial company in the US), then complaints should be made to the higher education establishment in China - not the medical community in the West (who are the majority of NEJM readership). Raising this issue at this moment at the very place where the paper is published online is a bad judgement - from my perspective. It will not help the Chinese journals. People would simply think that you are jealous. If they want to attract submission to their journal, they should aim to improve their journal instead. (To learn more about epidemiology journals in the Chinese language, I would recommend you to read this article: http://www.ete-online.com/content/5/1/20)

April 7, 2013

  • 近日因為專業興趣關係,每天都到中國衛生部(現在已更名為:國家衛生及計劃生育委員會,簡稱衛計委 <-- 一個好奇怪的名字)的網站,閱讀他們的新聞稿,看看有關華東地區人類感染H7N9禽流感的最新官方消息。


April 4, 2013

April 2, 2013

  • 流感。中文。

    表面看來,中國今次--起碼是中央政府--沒有隱瞞疫情。中國的報紙報得比世衛更快。世衛還是只有四月一日的公佈(三人)的時候,少部份外國英文報紙翻譯了中國的中文報紙,又或者看了新華社的英文稿,就知道中國又多了四個確診個案:(ShanghaiDaily.com, April 3, 2013: China confirms 4 more cases of H7N9 bird fluXinhua Net, April 2, 2013: China steps up monitoring after more H7N9 bird flu casesThe Hindu, April 2, 2013, Beijing: Fears as more H7N9 cases in China)。
    上東方網,看上海新聞,看到以下一則新聞:上海今天启动流感流行应急预案Ⅲ级响应 以黄色示警 (四月二日)
    啟動 activate
    流感 influenza
    流行 epidemic
    應急預案 emergency preparedness plan
    III級 level III
    響應 response
    示警 alert
    用英文說,就是:Shanghai today activates level III response of the influenza epidemic emergency preparedness plan (amber alert).
    認真:其實,公共衛生方面,有許多中文名詞,都是生硬的漢譯。如:epidemic =流行;pandemic=大流行。 流行一詞,作名詞用。如果你在中學中文作文課這樣寫,我怕老師會說你錯。

March 31, 2013

  • 復活節快樂



March 24, 2013

  • 逾越。無酵。


    我居住的地區,有個很大的猶太人社群,附近有幾間猶太會堂。鄰近的超級市場亦很會做生意,有常設的猶太食品專區,專賣合符猶太教飲食規條的食品(kosher food)。
    無酵餅標榜是耶路撒冷製造,由耶路撒冷拉比公會的嚴格監製(under the strict supervision of the Jerusalem Rabbinate),可於逾越節食用(Kosher for Passover)。

March 23, 2013

  • 主愛神州 心繫中華


    主愛神州 心繫中華──紀念何愛德醫生(1917-2012) (link to full text at an external website)

    何愛德醫生(Greta Constance Hague, née Thompson),英國聖公會Church Missionary Society(CMS)醫療傳教士,曾任桂林聖公會道生醫院院長。1917年9月25日,生於雲南昆明;2012年12月29日,在英國劍橋安息主懷。

    何愛德醫生的丈夫何愛理牧師(Eric Hague,1913-2000)乃CMS傳教士,曾於中華聖公會桂湘教區及香港九龍聖安德烈堂工作。何醫生的父親譚信醫生(Hubert Gordon Thompson,1878-1953),乃昆明第一所教會西醫院惠滇醫院之創辦人。她的母親Amy Constance Thompson(née Bradley,1884-1958),曾任職廣東北海(今屬廣西)聖公會的痲瘋病院。她的舅父李惠來醫生(Neville Bradley,1878-?)是廣東省痲瘋病醫療的先驅。



March 17, 2013

  • 怪獸大學

    讀書讀到悶, 不妨去看看 "怪獸大學"的網頁, 真係幾搞笑. 難得他們製作這個網頁如此地認真, 真係有幾成似一間美國大學的網頁. 不過, 我想, 如果我未曾在美國的大學讀過書或工作過的話, 可能未能完成領悟裡面的笑位.

February 28, 2013

  • 明報好無聊

    我老婆問我: 點解沈旭暉喺facebook貼張相, 都可以上明報?
    當然, 你也可以說我好無聊: "咁都值得寫Xanga?"